Prepper Storage for Small Spaces

Getting organized is an essential skill for anyone entering the preparedness space. But when you're just starting out, especially in a small living space, it can feel overwhelming. Trust me, I've been there. My husband and I split our time between our home in Colorado and a tiny house in Oklahoma, which is only 234 square feet. Living in such a small space has taught me some valuable lessons on how to stay organized and prepared without feeling cluttered or overwhelmed.

In this post, I’ll share five simple strategies to help you get organized on your prepping journey, no matter the size of your living space. From clearing out the clutter to getting creative with storage, these tips will help you maximize your space and keep your prepping supplies neat, accessible, and ready for any situation.


Step 1: Clear Out the Clutter

The first step to getting organized is always the hardest: clearing out the clutter. I know, it can be challenging. We tend to accumulate so much stuff over time, and it can be tough to part with things, especially if you’re like me and enjoy keeping things "just in case." But when you're prepping, it's important to distinguish between what you need and what's just taking up space.

Decluttering for Preparedness
When you're preparing for emergencies, it's easy to fall into the trap of saving everything. However, holding onto items that no longer serve a purpose can actually hinder your preparedness efforts. Start by going through your home and identifying items you no longer use—things from old hobbies, outdated electronics, or even clothes that have been sitting in your closet for years.

Where to Start
I recommend starting with the areas that are the most cluttered or that you use the least. For example, that guest room closet where old sports equipment has been collecting dust, or the basement that's been doubling as a storage room for years. Once you've identified these spaces, begin sorting through your belongings. Ask yourself: "Do I really need this?" If the answer is no, it’s time to let it go.

Why Less is More
Remember, the goal here is not to eliminate everything, but to create space for the items that are truly essential to your preparedness plan. By clearing out the unnecessary, you'll make room for the things that will help you and your family in an emergency.

Step 2: Group Like Items Together

Once you've cleared out the clutter, it's time to start organizing what’s left. One of the best ways to do this is by grouping like items together. This step is crucial in avoiding the common pitfall of buying duplicates—something I learned the hard way when I first started prepping.

Categories for Prepping Supplies
When organizing, think in terms of categories like food, water, medical supplies, household goods, and tools. By grouping similar items together, you'll not only keep things organized, but you'll also have a better idea of what you already have and what you still need.

Avoiding the Duplication Trap
In my early days of prepping, I made the mistake of storing things all over the house—some in the basement, some in the closet, and some in random bins. The result? I ended up buying multiple items that I didn’t need because I forgot I already had them. Grouping your supplies by category will save you time, money, and space.

Assessing Your Storage Needs
Once your supplies are grouped, take stock of how much space each category will need. This will help you determine the best storage solutions for your situation, which brings us to our next step.

Step 3: Utilize Bins, Baskets, and Buckets

Now that you’ve grouped your supplies, it’s time to find a home for everything. My go-to organizational tools are bins, baskets, and buckets. They’re simple, effective, and make it easy to keep everything contained and organized.

Choosing the Right Storage Solutions
When it comes to choosing storage containers, think about the size and shape of the items you need to store, as well as the space you have available. For example, if you have a small closet, stackable bins might be your best option. If you're storing items in a larger space, like a garage, larger bins or even buckets could work better.

Adapting to Your Space
In our tiny house, space is at a premium, so I’ve had to get creative with how I store things. For example, in our loft, I use baskets that fit perfectly on the shelves. This way, I can maximize the available space without overloading the area. If you have limited space, look for storage solutions that fit your specific needs and adapt as necessary.

The Power of Labels
Once everything is in its bin, basket, or bucket, don’t forget to label it! Labeling is a simple but powerful tool that helps you know exactly where everything is when you need it. Whether you use a sticky note, painter’s tape, or a more permanent label, make sure everything is clearly marked.

Step 4: Get Creative with Storage Space

One of the biggest challenges of prepping in a small space is finding enough room to store everything. This is where creativity comes into play. From under-bed storage to multifunctional furniture, there are plenty of ways to make the most of the space you have.

Under-Bed Storage
One often overlooked storage space is under your bed. Invest in some under-bed boxes to store canned goods, emergency supplies, or anything else that fits. If you want to maximize this space, consider using bed risers to lift your bed a few inches. This simple trick can give you a significant amount of extra storage space.

Maximizing Closet Space
Closets are another area where space is often wasted. Use the tops of closets for items you don’t need to access frequently, and the bottoms for heavier or bulkier items like cases of water. Consider adding extra shelves or using stackable bins to fully utilize the vertical space.

Furniture with Built-In Storage
When buying new furniture, look for pieces that double as storage. Coffee tables with hidden compartments, ottomans that open up, or beds with built-in drawers can all provide extra storage without taking up additional space. These pieces are perfect for keeping your prepping supplies out of sight but easily accessible.

Step 5: Track and Maintain Your Inventory

The final step in staying organized is keeping track of where everything is. This is especially important if you’re spreading your supplies out across multiple locations in your home.

Creating a Storage Map
One way to keep track of your supplies is by creating a simple storage map or inventory list. You can do this on paper, a whiteboard, or even digitally. Just make sure it’s easy to update as you add or move items.

Involve Your Family
If you’re the one primarily responsible for organizing your home, make sure your family knows where things are too. This is crucial in an emergency when someone else might need to find something quickly. Share your storage map with them, or even better, involve them in the organization process.

Regularly Review and Update
Finally, remember that organization is an ongoing process. As your preparedness needs change, so should your storage solutions. Regularly review your inventory and update your storage map as needed to ensure everything is in its place and easy to find.

Finding the Balance

Being organized is key to effective preparedness, but it’s also important to find a balance that works for you. Don’t feel pressured to fill every inch of your home with supplies if it’s making you uncomfortable. The goal is to create a safe, functional space that supports your preparedness efforts without overwhelming you.

Remember, everyone’s situation is different. What works for me in my tiny house might not work for you, and that’s okay. The important thing is to start where you are, use the space you have, and make adjustments as you go.

If you found this post helpful, I’d love for you to share your favorite storage tips or strategies in the comments below. Let’s learn from each other and continue to build a community of well-prepared, organized individuals.

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