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10 Essential Skills Every Prepper Needs to Thrive

If you've been following me for any length of time, you know that I'm all about being prepared for whatever life throws our way. Sure, you might have your go bag ready, your emergency binder organized, and your pantry stocked with dehydrated goodies – but let me ask you this: do you have the skills to use all that gear effectively?

1. Water Storage and Purification: Ensuring Clean Drinking Water in Any Situation

Water is the foundation of life, and in an emergency, access to clean drinking water becomes a priority. While many of us take clean water for granted, the reality is that our water sources can become compromised in a crisis. That's why mastering the art of water storage and purification is essential for every prepper.

Learn various ways to store water, from stockpiling bottled water to setting up rainwater collection systems. It’s also important to learn about water purification techniques. These include options like boiling, filtration, and chemical treatment. By understanding these methods and practicing them regularly, you can ensure that you and your family have access to clean, safe drinking water no matter what.

2. Food Storage Techniques: Preserving Nutrition for Long-Term Survival

In times of crisis, having an adequate food supply can mean the difference between suffering and feeling more content. But stocking up on canned goods and freeze-dried meals is only part of the equation. To truly be prepared, preppers must master the art of food storage techniques for longer-term emergencies.

Consider exploring a variety of methods for preserving food, including canning, dehydrating, and vacuum sealing. Preserving food, also allows you to rotate your food and ensures freshness and prevents waste. With these skills under your belt, you can rest assured knowing your family will have access to nutritious meals in any situation.

3. Cooking from Scratch: Transforming Stored Ingredients into Delicious Meals

Having a pantry stocked with emergency supplies is one thing, but knowing how to turn those ingredients into delicious meals is another. Maybe, you’ve never considered cooking from scratch something you wanted to try, but mastering those skills is critical as a prepper.

Having a well-stocked pantry is helfpul, but it’s only really useful if you know how to turn those supplies into everyday meals your family loves. Practice basic cooking techniques and new recipe ideas. By developing this skill, you'll not only ensure that your family has access to nutritious meals, but you’ll also gain a sense of self-sufficiency and confidence.

4. Medical Skills: Becoming Your Own First Responder

In an emergency, access to medical care may be limited or unavailable. That's why it's essential for preppers to develop basic medical skills that can mean the difference between life and death. Learning medical skills can allow you to be your own first responder.

Take the time to learn basic first aid skills, including wound care and CPR. Also consider taking more advanced first aid training, like EMT courses or outdoor wilderness training courses. With these skills and resources at your disposal, you'll be better prepared to handle medical emergencies and provide lifesaving care to your family and loved ones.

5. Homemade Cleaning Supplies: Maintaining Hygiene and Sanitation in Any Situation

In an emergency, maintaining hygiene and sanitation becomes even more critical for preventing the spread of disease and infection. But store-bought cleaning supplies may not always be readily available. That's where homemade cleaning supplies come in handy.

A great addition to your skillset is learning how to make your own cleaning supplies. There are TONS of recipes on Pinterest and many of them contain easy to store ingredients like vinegar and baking powder. The other advantage of these homemade supplies is you can control the ingredients coming into your home. Learning how to make your own supplies will ensure that your home remains clean and sanitary, even when Amazon isn’t delivering!

6. Basic Home Repairs: Keeping Your Shelter Safe and Secure

Your home is your fortress, but in an emergency, it may become vulnerable to damage or destruction. That's why it's essential for preppers to master basic home repair skills that can help keep their shelter safe and secure.

Take the time to research common household problems and learn the skills you need to make minor repairs. This may include things like patching a leaky roof, repairing a broken window, or restoring running water to your house. Once you have a few skills under your belt, make sure you also have a well-stocked toolkit. With these skills and resources at your disposal, you'll be better prepared to keep your home in top shape.

7. Basic Sewing Repairs: Extending the Life of Your Clothing and Gear

In an emergency, access to new clothing and gear may be limited. That's why it's essential to master basic sewing repairs that can help extend the life of your clothing and gear. Plus there are tons of great crafts you can tackle with basic sewing knowledge.

Consider learning common sewing repairs from patching a tear to replacing a button. These skills may seem outdated, but they’ll serve you well if stores experience disruptions or delays on shipments. Just as with home repairs, it’s also important to have a well-stocked sewing kit and a guide book or two to show you how to make common repairs.

8. Home Gardening: Growing Your Own Food for Long-Term Sustainability

In an emergency, access to fresh produce may be limited or unavailable. The good news is that home gardening is making a comeback. Even if you live in the city, you can tackle small scale gardening in containers on your porch or pots on your window sills.

We built a small raised garden in our backyard, and also use hydroponics to augment in the off-season. We don’t grow tons of produce, but we are learning the skills for future use. Pick some easy veggies or herbs and start your garden at home.

9. Self-Defense: Protecting Yourself and Your Loved Ones in Any Situation

In an emergency, personal safety becomes even more critical. That's why it's essential for preppers to master basic self-defense techniques that can help protect themselves and their loved ones in any situation.

Self-defense can include improving situational awareness, learning basic self-defense maneuvers to carrying non-lethal weapons. It also includes taking a look at your house to see if you need to increase your safety measures at home to protect your home and property from intruders. In stressful emergency situations, taking a little time to think about self-defense and keep yourself and your loved ones safe from harm.

10. Ham Radio Operation: Staying Connected When Communication Lines Are Down

We take communication for granted in our ultra-connected world, but in an emergency situation, connecting with friends and loved ones becomes even more critical. Good communication systems are also essential for coordinating response efforts and ensuring the safety of individuals and communities. With that in mind, consider getting Ham radio certified.

By taking a test and obtaining your amateur radio license, you can get simple hand-held ham radios to communicate even in emergency situations. Most areas have local ham radio clubs that offer training and guidance on how to connect with other operators in your area. It’s a great hobby and a useful emergency skill.

And there you have it – 10 essential skills every prepper should develop to ensure their readiness for any situation. From mastering the art of water storage and purification to learning how to grow your own food and defend yourself effectively, these skills will help you navigate the challenges of any emergency with confidence and resilience.

So take the time to invest in your knowledge and abilities, and remember to practice regularly!

After all, when it comes to prepping, it's better to be over-prepared than under-prepared.

What skill do you think every prepper should have? Drop a comment below and let's keep the conversation going!